EBooks are
like digital book it can be on any topic you may have bought an eBook from any
website or have seen others selling their eBooks but here I am going to share
how you can sell your eBook too.
For making money in selling eBook you
can take three approaches
Make Your Own eBook: Yes it’s simple you just need to
download some eBook converter software and within some few clicks you can
transform you word document into an eBook some of these software’s are adobe
PDF yes you heard it right it’s the same software that you may have installed
for reading a PDF File you can also make an eBook using your office software
after writing you just have to click on file> export as PDF and then your
word document will save in PDF format:
Why PDF and not anything else?
Because it
is a popular format what if your eBook can be read by some unknown software
will anyone buy such eBook and also all PDF file are visually same which means
your eBook reader will see your eBook as you are seeing.
Sell Other’s eBook: Who says you have to create your own
eBook to earn money for those who want to start the selling part right away
without taking the hassle of creating eBook you can go with this option all you
have to do is to sign up with amazon associates program and you can refer
people to buy any eBook from amazon from your url which will give you up to 14%
commission on every eBook sold the more your sell the more you will earn.
But wait
there are some other programs to consider too like you can check our clickbank
which is an online marketplace for vendors and affiliates some of the clickbank
products offers commission up to 80% so it’s worth to have a look.
Sell PLR eBook or Sell Yours: In above method the product you are
going to sell will have another author brand as it is created by them but with
PLR eBook you can sell eBooks under your brand name. PLR means private level
rights so when you buy such product you will be given all the resell rights of
the product you can name it under your company or call yourself the author the
You can also
do the reverse of it if you have an eBook you can sell eBooks resell rights to
others the money you get by selling your eBook resell rights will be much
higher than selling it individually as I have seen others.
Photo by goXunuReviews Licence By http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
Photo by goXunuReviews Licence By http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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