Friday 10 August 2012

4 Ways to Save Money at the Grocery Store

Jared's Grocery Store Theory
Shopping at the grocery store can be a long, tedious process. Not only that, but it can be very costly. Many people walk into grocery stores only wanting to buy one thing, then, they end up buying a dozen or so items. Grocery store companies know this and design their stores to entice people to spend more money. But, with the right tools and mindset, you can save a lot of money at the grocery store. Here are four basic tips to get started at saving money in the grocery store.

1- Buying in bulk can save a lot of money. Many people year in and year out buy a lot of the same staples at the store. Whether it be toilet paper, toothpaste, or their favorite canned foods. When these items go on sale, it would be a great idea to stock up on them. Of course, items that will not go bad. Any canned food or toiletry would be fine. This could yield substantial savings, and make it easier on subsequent trips if you have a lot of the staples already.

2- Using coupons may see obvious. But, they can offer substantial savings on items you are already going to buy. Many grocery stores double or even triple coupons up to a certain amount. If you have multiple grocery stores and get coupons. You can really maximize your savings, and even get stuff for free during some promotions.

3- Avoid the middle of the store. Most of the important items are around the edges and in the front and back. The pre-packaged foods are in the middle usually. Prepared meals are more expensive, and less healthy. If you go around the edges, you will find all of the healthy, and necessary foods. Such as meats, and vegetables and fruits. This will help in avoiding buying things you do not need.

4- Have a list. If you can walk into the grocery store with a purpose, and know what you are buying, you are way ahead of the game. Planning meals, then planning your shopping list will save a lot. Just about everyone in the store buys more than they intend. By having a list, you will not do this, thus saving a lot of money in the process.
There are many other ways to save money in the grocery store, but if you follow these basic tips you are well on your way to saving money at the grocery store. While also saving time.

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