Many people don’t manage their finances because, simply put, it’s a massive hassle. The idea of sitting at your kitchen table, pouring over bank statements and bills whilst using a pencil and paper to do your sums sounds like most people’s version of hell. Let me tell you it is hell – as it is complicated. This is because it is easy to make mistakes and it often is not worth the time that you spent on it. Yet so many people are convinced that this traditional way of sorting out your personal finances is the only way, so they don’t even try. This usually ends up with spending beyond their means and getting into debt. This disheartens them and makes them less likely to look for alternative options, creating a vicious circle.
So what do you do?
Most people nowadays have a smart phone, tablet or computer that they use for things like online banking. Little do they know that there are ways that they can use these tools to help them budget, saving them time and most importantly saving them money. There are plenty of budgeting apps out there so here are 3 apps (1 for iOS, Android and PC/Mac) that have proven themselves to be the best of the best in personal finance apps.
1. iOS - Spending Log
Spending Log is a great iOS App that lets you keep track of everything your spend. By allowing you to input your income and then track every single purchase you make, you can see exactly what items you tend to overspend on. This App is great because it helps you to realize exactly where your money is going and help you cut down on items that you didn’t even realize you were overspending on. With handy things like an alert system for when you are nearing your overdraft limit, Spending Log is exactly the app you need to help you save money.
2. Android - EasyMoney
At $9.99 EasyMoney might be a bit ironically pricey for an Android budgeting app, but it’s more than worth it because of the multi-purpose intuitive application that it provides. Easy Money isn’t just a budgeting app - it allows you to keep track of multiple accounts (not just bank accounts but credit cards, store cards and more), work in multiple currencies and generally provide every service imaginable when it comes to personal finance.
3. PC/Mac - may only be currently available in the US and Canada, but when it rolls out to other countries it is certain to take personal finance software by storm. Mint is web-based and is available not only from your PC/Mac but also only pretty much every other tablet or smartphone device. is free, fast and reliable - you can count on it to keep your information safe and even better to keep you in the black. With graph representations of your budget, custom reminders and the ability to track pretty much every financial transaction you make? It’s the app to beat in the personal finance world.
The article was made available to you by Poundaccess, that can help you also in case you need short-term cash loans today.
Photo By Detlef La Grand on Flickr License By
So what do you do?
Most people nowadays have a smart phone, tablet or computer that they use for things like online banking. Little do they know that there are ways that they can use these tools to help them budget, saving them time and most importantly saving them money. There are plenty of budgeting apps out there so here are 3 apps (1 for iOS, Android and PC/Mac) that have proven themselves to be the best of the best in personal finance apps.
1. iOS - Spending Log
Spending Log is a great iOS App that lets you keep track of everything your spend. By allowing you to input your income and then track every single purchase you make, you can see exactly what items you tend to overspend on. This App is great because it helps you to realize exactly where your money is going and help you cut down on items that you didn’t even realize you were overspending on. With handy things like an alert system for when you are nearing your overdraft limit, Spending Log is exactly the app you need to help you save money.
2. Android - EasyMoney
At $9.99 EasyMoney might be a bit ironically pricey for an Android budgeting app, but it’s more than worth it because of the multi-purpose intuitive application that it provides. Easy Money isn’t just a budgeting app - it allows you to keep track of multiple accounts (not just bank accounts but credit cards, store cards and more), work in multiple currencies and generally provide every service imaginable when it comes to personal finance.
3. PC/Mac - may only be currently available in the US and Canada, but when it rolls out to other countries it is certain to take personal finance software by storm. Mint is web-based and is available not only from your PC/Mac but also only pretty much every other tablet or smartphone device. is free, fast and reliable - you can count on it to keep your information safe and even better to keep you in the black. With graph representations of your budget, custom reminders and the ability to track pretty much every financial transaction you make? It’s the app to beat in the personal finance world.
The article was made available to you by Poundaccess, that can help you also in case you need short-term cash loans today.
Photo By Detlef La Grand on Flickr License By
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