Wednesday, 4 July 2012

How To Earn Money By Forum Posting

ForUM is here!

Forum posting is generally done either for fun or to learn about new things but do you know you can make real money by posting on forums? Sounds cool at first it may seems unbelievable but believe me it is possible. Forums website were started in the late era where internet was at the beginning forums were the best place to discuss about specific topic with others it was like chatting with like-minded people. Forum usually make profit either by affiliated program or by displaying ads but here we will not discuss about creating a forum but about how you can make money by posting on forum and becoming a paid forum poster.
Why someone going to pay you to post in forums?
Forums are community based website which needs regular contribution by forum members to run efficiently. The more post a forum has the more revenue it can generate and also attract other members getting regular post is easy for an old and established forum but for a new forum getting regular post is very hard and that’s why paid forum posters are hired to keep them forum active.
How much one can make with paid forum posting?
It depends upon how much forum owner is willing to pay but generally average rate is between 0.10 – 0.50$ per post. The more post you make the more you can earn but you also need to maintain quality post. Posting some junk post like “Thanks for Sharing” “Nice Post” will get you fired soon.
What type of post you should post?
Being a quality forum poster is crucial because that will determine you’re earning potential when you post be sure it’s engaging and relevant. A good forum poster creates threads in such a way that it triggers conversation quality posters are often paid as much as 1$ per post.
How do you find these jobs?
You can either contact a new forum owners directly via their email or their contact us page if they need someone to post on their forum or you can look out in freelance job websites. Many forum posting projects are posted on these websites. Some of these freelance job websites are, etc.


  1. 0.10$ or 0.50$ is not bad. I have five active accounts in different forum sites, but this is my first time to know that I can earn money just by posting in forum. If every time I make 6 post or 5 post, I can earn 2.50$ per day! Just imagine how much I earned if I did this long time ago?!

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