Sunday, 6 May 2012

Earn Extra Passive Income Via File Sharing

1.55TB of goodness

File sharing is common these days. There are thousands of file sharing website opens up each day but now it’s not only about sharing but also there are many companies paying for sharing files. These file sharing website pays you when your uploaded files get downloaded.
You can share anything from movies, mp3, games, software or anything that can be downloaded when you upload your files to these website generates a unique download url of your uploaded files and when you share those links and anyone download from that url you get paid.
The amount you will earn is between 0.01 or as high as 5$ per download of you’re the amount varies from company to company since each company has different payment rates.

Now let’s get started

First you need to sign up with any file sharing program that pays if you like you can check out my list in which I have listed highest paying files sharing website and also their payment proof.

Promoting your links

Now here comes the hardest part signing up and uploading is easy but making people download is the real way of earning passive income. So here is some trick that I have used personally for sharing files

*Download Forum*

Promoting you files using this tactics are fast and effective there are many download forum available in internet where people visit to download here you can promote your links the best thing about these is that you will see instant downloads but it may become less gradually over period of time.

*Open A blog:*

Blogging is a best way you can promote your files and best thing about is that it brings regular traffic which means regular downloads this way you can bring regular passive income throughout your life as far as your blog is online.
If you don’t want to invest in setting up a blog there are many free platforms available like squidoo, hubpages, triond, bukisa etc.


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